Monday, May 23, 2011

Late Night at Ladurée

Do you suppose they're inside madly making macarons for the next day? Quelle dommage, Madame will have to come back in the morning.


  1. I've heard of the queues, but starting the night before... I had no idea. ;)

  2. Gateau. It is my salvation.... Yum.

  3. Oh those Laduree macarones are so divine, I still remember them well!!Lovely golden image Virginia.

  4. Perhaps she was looking for one last macaron (or a dozen) for the trip home... lovely glow in this photo.

  5. What absolutely stunning photos! I am visiting Paris in a few weeks and can't wait to visit Laduree for a macaroon! I intend visiting all your posts for some inspiration!!

  6. How do you hold yo camera still that late at night or does the French wine help steady yo hand?

  7. Gorgeous night photo!! You always capture the moment beautifully!

  8. Now that's an inviting photo! I believe that if the only way to get my Paris macaron fix was to stand and wait in front of this shop all night, I'd do it.

  9. Nice ... I like shots like this ..

  10. Maybe she wants to be the first customer.

  11. I love the golden glow in this photo. Do you remember which location this was?

  12. Harriet, the one near the Madeleine or Opera. That's all I can remember.

  13. Virginia do join up with "Out of the box" It's great fun! I found the easiest way to display the crayons was to simply cut and paste the image directly from the site onto your blog and then highlight the image and link it up(assuming you use blogger?) Look forward to viewing your posts!!!

  14. Salut, V! Fun to catch up on your Paris blog! I love this evening photo with the glowing light and view in the shop windows!
    Leif left Louisiana

  15. i love your pics!!!!! greetings, angie


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