Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Church Series - Église Saint Jean l'Evangéliste II

The face on this beautiful angel at the entrance of Montmartre's Église Saint Jean l'Evangeliste ( featured last Sunday here) has captivated me since the first time I set eyes on her on my visit in 2008.  Unfortunately, the angle required to capture her at her best,  has escaped me...twice!  This last visit in January, the weather was cold and rainy, again.  I still couldn't compensate for the the glare.  I've done what I can in editing and decided to share her as is. Perhaps I'll get another chance one day.


  1. Just catching up. Lovely posts for the last 3 days!

  2. The angel is wonderful, Virginia, and those round tiles (?) are really something. I didn't even notice the glare until you scolded yourself.

  3. Ditto to what Jack said! I was immediately entranced by the tile work surrounding the lovely lady!

  4. Me too! Me too! The detail...

  5. Can't imagine you can get a better shot of this charming angel, but if you say so . . . Meanwhile, I love this!

  6. Starman, I'll get Peter to procure a ladder and I'll climb right up and get her just as I have wanted to! HA

  7. Oh V you captured her perfectly!!

    Happy Sunday to you!
    Pamela ox

  8. I'm totally mesmerized by this picture...
    God bless you!

  9. No matter the angle, this is a beautiful shot of a gorgeous angel!

  10. I am so glad that you all loved her as much as I did, and overlooked my marginal photograph. If I get lucky enough to see my Paris again, I'll go right back and take one worthy.

  11. Virginia, I zoomed to 200 then to 400 and at 400 I could finally see her face fully. She was pretty good at 200 but best at 400. Forget the ladders! Her face is there! Good one!

  12. You really have the eye for the interesting "details"! Yes, this church is so different and has many interesting "details"!

  13. Love the beautiful curves in this! the perfect angle/angel!


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