Monday, April 4, 2011

Faire la Queue...Pourquoi?

Parisians are willing to stand quietly in long lines outside of boulangeries at any time of day. Pourquoi you ask? For the best baguettes etc. on the planet.  I've done it myself and was happy to spend the time in order to be handed a buttery pain au chocolat or a warm baguette. C'est magnifique!!


  1. I used to do my 5km run in the morning past Gontier's bakery in Coustellet to pick up croissants and baguette for breakfast and Mme Gontier used to give VERY clear instructions on how to hold the paper bag so that the croissants wouldn't get crushed. Serious stuff.

  2. Ich liebe schwarz-weiße Fotos!
    liebe Grüße

  3. Hmmmm .... Warm, fresh, crusty baguettes ... Miam, miam bien sur!!! Well with the wait!

  4. I would wait gladly for pain au chocolat... miam-miam! Can't wait!

  5. Ah oui, croissants, pains au chocolat, c'est magnifique !

  6. There are some specific moments for lining up like this; Sundays just before lunch time (half of the boulangeries are closed), when school is finished in the afternoon and all kids wish their pain au chocolat...

  7. Bread lines ala the Depression .. not .. and lovely new header!

  8. Obviously, these are not real Parisians. REAL Parisians would never stand quietly in long lines for anything.

  9. I think Starman may have a bit of a point. The French hardly ever line up like good boys and girls. But I'll brave a French queue any day for une bonne baguette!

  10. Peter, I've noticed before lunch almost any day and of course the boys and girls ( and big girls too) want their pain au chocolat! That's what I call a REAL after school snack.

    I' must hang with better behaved Parisians! HA They've always been very nice as we queued up!

    Alexa, I always laughed at the French walking down the street gnawing a baguette. Then, one day I ran to the corner patisserie and was handed a warm baguette. I didn't make it back to the apt without a bite!

  11. Oh i just found a wonderful bakery in town...Dutch..and they make the best French baguette...well probably next to ones in Paris!
    I love this photo!!

  12. Oh! yes Virginia - I would gladly wait in line for a buttery -pain au chocolate- in fact the wait would only enrich the experience.

  13. I could be quite happy doing the same! It's what my six year old is excited the most about when we go in May.

  14. This makes me think of the last visit - I hit Gerard Mulot first thing, loaded up on macarons but first had to savor the croissant. ahhhh. Where is this one?

  15. Elizabeth,
    Je ne sais pas. I might could have Mary or Genie give you a general idea. We ate luncg with Peter across the street. Not too far from Bastille I think.

  16. J'ai beaucoup aimé regarder vos photos qui soulignent de bien belles choses qui nous sont devenues familières si tant est qu'on ne les voit plus.


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