Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Table et Tabouret

As we strolled down from Montmartre one afternoon,  Peter pushed a door, Mary and I followed close behind, ( she and I are quite brave when we have Peter to do the 'splaining in French if we get caught)  and voilà, a charming little apartement courtyard.  It had one of the tackiest *Christmas trees that we all agreed we'd ever seen.  All was not lost however, many nice photo ops were spotted.   Here's one!

* and oui, you'll have to wait till next Christmas season to see the tree! :)


  1. Very atmospheric, V. And having someone else to do the 'splaining is always handy.

  2. How nice to have Peter along to encourage you into those 'forbidden' places.

  3. Ah .. tables... windows .. a stool .. perfection!

  4. I like surprise and this is a very nice one. A pity we have to wait so much for the tackiest tree in Paris!

  5. Table et tabouret. How well said, good representation of the richness of French language. compliments

  6. I'm with VP!!!! You've whetted my appetite for that darned tacky tree!!!

  7. You never know what you'll find behind closed doors in Paris! Looking forward to that tacky tree, V.

  8. You and Mary could be Lucy and Ethel with Peter as "Ricky" doing the 'splaining - hah! Love this little vignette... who would suspect that there is a tacky-tree nearby...


  9. Always fascinating to learn what is behind closed doors! :-)

  10. Aren't you a curious thing, V! At least you weren't caught out.

  11. Hi Virginia!
    This is a great photo...love these romantic courtyard in Paris!!
    Love your new banner.
    Thanks for visiting me!
    Pamela :)


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