Saturday, February 26, 2011

L... is for Laurent!!

My alphabet series seems to have taken on a twist I didn't predict........dear friends.  Well this day L is for my Paris blog ami Laurent of Daily Photo in Paris.  We FINALLY met this last trip. Laurent met Mary, Peter and me for dinner one night, and we had such fun. It ended later with Laurent on one side of the Mètro tracks while Mary and I "posed" from the other side!   Laurent and I often find that we post the same places on the same day. I like to think it's "great minds...."!  Today my friend Laurent, it's all about YOU!


  1. Thanks for sharing, you must have had such fun in this blog friends' dinner!
    God bless you!

  2. I follow the both of your blogs! It's nice to see you are friends too

  3. I see Cezar has already commented, but I would like to say it's really cool meeting blog friends!
    I hope you can visit Luxembourg next time! :)
    And I'm in love by your header!

  4. Virginia, I love the header photo too! If I lived near Birmingham, I would take classes with you.

  5. I love your alphabet series—and this shot of Laurent taking a photo of you taking a photo of him! Getting to meet your blog pals is a wonderful thing. I haven't been disappointed yet (far from it!) and I'll bet you can say the same—right, V?

  6. Wonderful! Love getting photos of the photographers!

  7. He does post some really great photos.

  8. Oh my ! I am blushing ! Merci beaucoup Virginia for this post. Not sure I deserve so much attention ... Anyway I am really touched and flattered.

  9. Yes, Laurent, you deserve the attention because you have a GREAT Paris photoblog. So glad that you and Virginia were able to meet.

    Bravo to both of you for all the great photos!

  10. Laurent,
    Of course you deserve the attention. We all love your blog and after meeting you I'm your BFF ( Best French, sort of, Friend!) I'm so very glad I was able to spend some time with you in Paris. Next trip, we go out and take photographs together!

  11. Very nice shot, the contrast is great. Your photos below are wonderful too. I especially like the red umbrella image - it was well worth your effort!

  12. What a lovely post to read on a Sunday night.

  13. Totally fabulous from both sides of the tracks!


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