Saturday, January 15, 2011

Printemps, Le Grand Magasin Indeed!

I love Printemps. I'm not much of a shopper in Paris,  but I never tire of photographing this wonderful place from the street. Today, a double dose with the header as well.  I will now have the pleasure of sharing my recent photos with you.  It was a week packed with fun, friends,  new Paris moments and a 11GB of memory cards!


  1. Oh goody, goody....can't wait to see them! We're off to a great start.

  2. What a wonderful shot (both of them) of Printemps. Am SO looking forward to all 11GB of your Paris pix. (I'm off to our fave city in March with a brand-new 16GB memory card—can hardly wait!)

  3. Bien venue - chez toi. Lovely shot!

    Hope the transition back is a gentle one.

    {Okay...enough 'gentle transition' already...get to work! You've got images to post! ;}

  4. The new header is spectacular and I love the holiday lighting at Printemps. Glad you are back!

  5. Love the banner photo, love the subject photo!

  6. Looking forward to seeing the new photos! and Welcome home!

  7. We will never tire of your old or new photos. Welcome back home!

  8. That banner photo is wonderful. I agree with you about never tiring of the beautiful architecture. Thankfully, you are sharing your photos because mine never look like yours! Merci!

  9. Starman,
    That's why you can't remember anything!HA

  10. I'm not a shopper in Paris, either. Too much else to do. Too little time.

  11. V - glad you're home safely! Can't believe you made it with just a carryon bag in Paris! You travel rockstar!

  12. Hope you had a simply superb time... guess those 11 Go will keep you busy until the next trip, which I'm willing to bet you've already started planning...

    Do hope you'll be able to get a litte rest first though, I'll bet you walked hundreds of miles...

    It's always good to get home too.

  13. I love the pink lights! It looks very chic. I never went inside Printemps though because we spent so long in Galeries Lafayette!

  14. Owen,
    I'm so sorry we never got together this trip. If I can find a way to return, you are at the top of my list! Mary, Peter and I had a wonderful morning at Passy. I think I got some nice ones.

    Travel Rockstar? I packed too much stuff that didn't get used. I wasn't at the top of my game this trip. I was too busy right up until we left. Next time............:)

  15. Even with limited luggage, I can guarantee the readers of this that each time I saw Virginia, she was perfectly "chic"!

  16. Alexa,
    I'm afraid of those big cards because I"ve heard stories of cards crashing and I'm always worried i'd lose it all.

    Merci mille fois! And also I appreciate that you didn't share what my hair looked like most of the time with the rainy weather. Yikes!!!


Merci pour votre comment!