Friday, January 14, 2011

Le Carrousel en Hiver

Jardins des Tuileries ...j'adore!
(On Wednesday of this week, I took a similar shot...with  GRAY skies!)

Blog Update!  As I type this early Friday morning, I'm in Cincinnati at Mary's home and will be flying to Atlanta shortly.  Hopefully I'll be in Birmingham around noon.  It was a fabulous trip but as always I return home a little teary-eyed and very TIRED!


  1. Hoping your head is on your own pillow at home as I read this. Love the carrousel - looking for Eva though. Welcome home!

  2. I love that carousel too! The colours are so vivid. If I were a child I would definitely play there.

  3. I cannot imagine going for a week - not from here. It takes me 23 hours to get there!!

    My next trip is 29 March to 28 April. I am just going to live there for a month. No mad rushing around. No visiting national monuments. Just wine, and pastries, cafes and parks.

  4. awwww, trips always go by too fast. glad you had a great time. hope you saw Monet.

  5. Oui, je comprends, chèrie. Bonne rentrée.

    Lovely image.

  6. Lovely photo. It looks as though you had this scene all to yourself. (Wish I had the Paris clean-up crew at my house to rake up all the fallen leaves!)

    Waiting anxiously for upcoming photos where you will share your trip with us.

  7. Glad you are back and I can't wait to see your photos. This beautiful carousel is stunning no matter what color the skies, no matter what the temperature.

    (See you Monday!)

  8. J'adore les manèges de France. Sorry you're back so soon.

  9. The kids must all be in school, eh? I too love this carrousel and am looking forward to all the great pictures you took on this trip. Welcome home, V.

  10. I'm so looking forward to seeing your new batch of photos, I'm sure you'll be on your computer as soon as you get home, bleary eyed and all.

    Please do get some rest!

  11. Merci mes amis. Oui, I'm home. A little sad but very happy with all the memories I have brought back with me. I also have my photographs to remind me of the week. Julie is right, a week is not long enough, even after this many trips. I can't wait to share the photos and all the tales with you. Thank you for coming by and commenting and going back to Paris with me every day.

  12. Good to see that you arrived safely after this (too) short visit!
    Cold, grey, no kids around ... but always a special atmosphere which you know how to catch!

  13. Peter,
    I'll bet you think i took this on Wednesday as we strolled through Tuileries. Actually it was March, 2007!
    No kids.....sadly. Shortly after this shot Eva got a ride with just one other little girl. Sweet memories.

  14. Ah always a sadness coming home but also thankfulness for safe return and lovely memories. Hope you have a rest soon...

    Hugs Jane


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