Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Globe Trotting Again !

Charlotte Woodson Antiques

Today my dear Paris loving amie Mary, and I are off to Paris.  If the "standby gods" are willing, we'll be arriving at CDG at about 6:15 am Paris time Thursday ( CDT 11:15 pm Wed.). Don't you worry, we will hit the ground running - and let the adrenaline rush do its job.  This trip, I will be meeting dear friends once again, and many new ones as well.  It will be a busy but fun trip no matter the weather. Mary and I have both made a list of things we've always wanted to see or do and this time we're determined to cross some of those places off our list.   I have blog posts already scheduled and will hopefully be able to share some of our adventures each and every day.  I promise to take a zillion photographs to share as soon as I return home.


  1. Have a wonderful trip!!

  2. Well, there's no need to wish you a wonderful trip because of course it will be a wonderful trip. Hope you are packing warm boots and thermal underwear. Look forward to a chat on the phone one day. To you and Mary - have a ball!

  3. Hoorayyyyy!!! Looking forward to your zillion photos, dear V. I hope you and Meepsie can endure the separation without too many tears. Big hugs.

  4. Super Virginia! Je vois que vous êtes très contente de venir à Paris!

  5. Have a wonderful, wonderful time. I may be there in a few weeks... if the gods permit.

  6. Hope your flight went off without a hitch. Hugs to you and to Mary. Have a great time.

  7. It will be so wonderful to see your new photos and read all about your new adventures. Have great fun!

  8. Bienvenue! I hope you have had a good trip (and you've got your umbrella...)

  9. Alice,
    Oui, we have ours packed!

    Great having lunch yesterday. Wish you were going.

    Merci everyone for your warm wishes. It will rain but c'est Paris! :)

    Meeps is staying with my daughter Melissa and getting to know her cousin Kittykins. I'll keep you posted on how that's playing out!

  10. Safe travels, mes amies! I can't wait to hear the stories, the funny moments (hah!), the new people you meet, the discoveries you two make, and to see the wonderful photos (all 11GB) that you take...

    I will be there in spirit.


  11. Don't forget to visit the Catacombs this time.

  12. I am so thrilled about your trip and will be there with you in spirit. Say hello to Peter for me.

  13. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear about the adventures!

  14. How delightful! Safe travels...can't wait to see ....the adventures that await you!

  15. I think it's a wonderful land...good trip!

  16. Miss Virginia,
    Have a wonderful trip...
    And a good photo..

    Best regards and have a good day,

  17. Well, it's 11:04 EST so you should almost be there! Yippeee!

  18. It's supposed to rain through Friday, but then Saturday is supposed to be partly sunny to sunny and up around 13 or 14 C ! Go figure... don't know if you'll see much snow (or if you even wanted to...)

    For some reason I was thinking you'd said you were arriving the 12th... is that when you're going home?

    Do you have a phone in Paris you could shoot to me by e mail ? Monday may be the only day I'd even have a remote chance of getting in to town, don't know what you have planned for Monday 10th... You can reach me at :

    33 6 16 78 41 27 (from Paris on local system 06 16 78 41 27 )

    Safe travelling to you, and happy arrival this morning, oh boy, you'll be landing soon, and I'm just off to bed now... crazy ?

    Wishing you and Mary a fabulous time whatever happens ! Would be great to see you though, and I'll bet Mary has some more surprises up her sleeve like Picpus...

  19. Let me know if you have room on your dance card for coffee. I did a post for you back in December...did you ever see it? Oh well,you will see the Crillon in person while you're in town.

  20. Anne, can you emaill me? Would love to try and see you!


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