Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mon Chat Noir...

...aime Paris, bien sûr!   My dear blog friend Daryl in NYC, sent me this great book. Well the truth is, she sent it to Meeps from her two furry friends.  Meeps has thoroughly enjoyed flipping through it. 
I'm thinking when I start packing ma valise in January, my chère Meeps will be wanting to tag along! :)
Les chats de Paris will definitely be the focus of my camera this trip. 


  1. Meeps! Getting her Paris kittehs tutorial!

  2. Great shot! Meeps is a curious cat.

  3. Bonjour chère Virginia!
    C'est toujours un agréable moment ici dans votre blog magnifique!
    Également vous pouvez prendre un certain temps ici à Luxembourg pour connaître "les chats"! :)
    Notre chate Luna venu du Brésul avec nous et maintenant elle est très adaptée à sa nouvelle vie ici.Elle a un passaport du Luxembourg,chic hein?! mdr
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  4. very intresting photo :) BTW, i LOOOOOVE the main photo of your blog :) I can imagine this on my wall, chez moi ;)

  5. Love the photo .. Meeps is so sweet, I wish mine would like wearing a collar ... so chic .. and both Rose & Jacques send MEOWS!

  6. This is a darling photo V!!!

    Always the hardest thing about getting ready to travel is seeing the look on my animals faces when we bring out the suitcases...almost enough to make me want to stay home...I said ALMOST!!!

  7. What an adorable picture! Did you have to put some kitty treats on the book, or is Meeps just that cooperative?

  8. I have two chats noir and one tortie who is so dark she might as well be noir. She always takes up residence in the suitcases as soon as they come out. I spied many kitties in the Montmartre Cemetery. There was an old man & woman feeding some of them and when I raised my camera ~ from two aisles over; I hadn't thought they even knew I was there ~ the woman shook her fist at me and quickly turned away. I respected her, but lamented losing what would have been an interesting shot.

  9. Alexa,
    Scotch tape! :)

    She will probably love playing in my suitcase, unfortunately that little bag is so crammed when I leave there won't be room for a stowaway. Last week she got closed up in the frig......just for a minute!!!

  10. Great shot! I have that book, and doggie one, too.

  11. Too cute ! I know cats can read, don't think for a second they can't !

  12. She probably only likes it for the pictures.

  13. Uhoh, wait 'til she starts reading your blog.

  14. Awwwwwww, Meeps. She is so adorable, Virginia, you must want to snuggle her 24/7. You will miss each other immensely while you're away! I'll be on the tips of my toes in anticipation of your Les Chats de Paris photos. But you already knew that. ;)

  15. Missing my cat! Such a joy to watch them...

  16. This is TOO precious V! She is so darned cute - send her to me while you're gone - we'll keep her good company here.

  17. V., you have to sell me a print of this when you get home. It is just too purrfect for words! Love it! Meeps' ear and whisker shadow is precious.


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