Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kicking Up Your Heels In Paris

Sometimes my friends are kind enough to point out a potential photo op that I appear to overlook.  This one I'd have missed if Peter hadn't alerted me.  I fumbled with my camera and barely got off two shots before the light turned and she walked away. LOVE her leggings and that cute kick in her step.
Merci M. Olson!


  1. I love this too. Good for Peter. Doesn't the colour work so wonderfully against the background!

  2. Love those leggings and the mismatched socks/hose. Great reflexes, V! Thanks, Peter, for your observant eye.


  3. Oh wow, lucky you snapped this at the perfect time.

    Do you know who this reminds me of? Yelle, the French singer! Oh mon dieu. Imagine if it was actually a picture of her you snapped?! She wears tights and leotards like this all the time.

  4. The photo is really cute. You are a real master of photography.

  5. Brittany,
    Well I can't believe I could have had a shot of someone famous. I will look her up! Whoever she was, her sense of style was certainly fun!

    I think I can't take credit for the clever framing. It was fast and it was luck!

  6. Luck + Peter or not, you got the shot—and it's a fun one! Looove those tights. She looks like she's about to shuffle off (a la Jackie Gleason—remember?).

  7. Normally YOU are the best observer! :-)

  8. Oh my! I takes a brave woman to wear those leggings!!

  9. It almost looks like she's avoiding the infamous Parisian dog droppings.


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