Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bienvenue à Paris Mes Amies

 la Grand Roue, Tuileries

Today my dear friend Genie and daughter Holly touch their toes on Paris soil for their annual trip to the city they (we) so love.  I found a photo I took about this time in 2008.  Genie and Holly, we all await photos and tales galore of glorious days and evenings spent wandering the streets of Paris meeting new and old friends.  You can follow Genie on her terrific Paris blog, Paris and Beyond.


  1. Have a wonderful time, Genie and Holly. Sorry it's so cold! Love the photo, Virginia, that would make the snow go away...

  2. Wonderful glittering wheel and thanks for link to Genie's Paris blog.

  3. Great photo, V—and I hear it's supposed to warm up a bit in the next few days. Here's hoping, for Genie and Holly's sake!

  4. Cette grande roue illuminée fait beaucoup d'effet la nuit, surtout la nuit! Avec la neige, je ne sais pas si elle fonctionne!

  5. I will meet her this evening if her plane is not delayed due to the snow. Will tell you tomorrow about our rendez vous ...

  6. Laurent,
    you know I've trés jealous! :) More snow expected today?

  7. Lucky folks. Hope they have a wonderful trip.

  8. Fantastic night image, Virginia! Perfect light and very still. Imagine taking a ride at night on this.

  9. Love, love, LOVE this shot V!!! Very magical!!!

    Happy flying Genie and Holly...have a grand trip!!!

  10. We didn't get to see the Grand Roue when we were there last Christmas. Of course, we were more interested in seeing Les Champs-Elysées.

  11. Virginia -- Nous sommes ici! We met with Laurent last night, laughed and had a wonderful evening over wine and dinner. Today we are meeting up with Peter... merci for the link to my blog... wish you were here with us, ma chere amie!


  12. That's a beautiful way to send-off/welcome Genie and Holly to Paris, V. I'm looking forward to seeing some of their adventures.

  13. I can confirm that "la Grande Roue" is there also this year... and that I will meet Genie and Holly in an hour or so! Cold! I guess we will find some nice inside place for a glass of ... let's see! (Don't cry! Soon it's your turn to be here!)

  14. Peter,
    Waaaaaaaa~ :)

    So glad we got to talk last night. What fun sharing your trip with you virtually. Can't wait to hear what you found at the flea market today.


Merci pour votre comment!