Monday, December 27, 2010

100 French Strangers - Thé à la Menthe

French Stranger #71

Last summer ma chère amie Mary took me on a wild goose chase ( I have no idea what THAT would be in French) to the 20 eme for the Grand Brocante.  As I've shared previously, it left a lot to be desired but what it lacked in fine French antiques to be had for a song, it made up for with delightful people that we met along the way.  This young boy was selling hot mint tea and baklava.  Mary and I of course had to have some as he was just a delight as you can see here.


  1. He actually looks happy to be there! What a charming shot, V—but I love all your French strangers.

  2. Is this the equivalent to a lemonade stand? ;)

  3. Alexa,
    He was so sweet and polite and the thé chaud was actually very good! In fact, I'm having some this morning as well!

    HA, oui!

  4. That would be a chasse oie sauvage

  5. jb,
    That's a good one! you participated in one with us I believe in Paris!

  6. Or

    wild-goose chase n
    figurative, informal (pointless search)
    quête futile nf

  7. He was adorable and IMHO it was a great excursion into a VERY non-touristy "hood" - AND we also discovered that charming little church cemetery where you took some mighty fine shots! Stick with me babe!

  8. ... and don't wander off! (jk)

    This fella is a cutie and I would love what he is selling... nice portrait, V.

    Have you gone with Mad to the pet cemetery yet?

  9. He will grow to be a fine street merchandiser. When do you fly out

  10. Love the sweetness of this. 100 French strangers - wonderful! I'm doing 100 strangers, but I'm only on #10 as I have been for some time :{


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