Friday, November 12, 2010

L'escalier - Le Petit Palais

Last week my chère amie Genie over at Paris and Beyond featured a detail of a railing at the wonderful Petit Palais.  I dug around and found this view of the staircase taken in November, 2008.  I remember that day very well.  Karen, Alice, Peter and I tromped through a cold blowing rainstorm to get there only to find everyone outside due to a bomb scare.  We were amazed to find a kindergarten class there waiting patiently in the rain as well.  When we were allowed in to view the fabulous photography exhibit, les petit enfants were seated on the floor with clipboards and pencils to sketch the statue in the middle of the room.  I posted a photo here.  I still smile when I remember that scene!


  1. Gorgeous photo. I would love to see the drawings those chidren made while sitting around the statue.

  2. Is this the same staircase with the gorgeous woman in a gorgeous gown with a hat, descending these gorgeous stairs???

  3. I love that you can scrounge around and come up with something like this, Virginia. :)

  4. This is what I call a flight of stairs...

  5. Magnifique photo Virginia! Cet escalier avec ses deux rampes (qui ressemblent à de la dentelle) est très élégant!

  6. Yes, I love this staircase and took photos from different angles. The photo I posted was of the window-guards.

    This staircase is open and elegant... you have captured it beautifully!


  7. Très très belle photo !!!

  8. Dizzyingly beautiful. The detail of the railing is exquisite -- lillies, I believe? Bon weekend, Marie

  9. Oh .. I know I would have to walk very carefully .. I am such a klutz .. that is such a lovely graceful angle .. tres belle

  10. Your photos take my breath away! This one is superb. I so enjoyed my visit to le Petit Palais during my 2007 trip, and now to have the pleasure of seeing photos from both you and Genie. By chance, did you capture any of the floor mosaics? (It's a photo like this that makes me want to be in Paris.)

  11. When we went to the Musée d'Orsay, I saw a sculpture but could not remember where I had seen it before. Your picture of the staircase at the Petit Palais brought it all back, because it was at the bottom of that staircase.

  12. Magnificent perspective of the curve on the stair case

  13. This is absolutely spectacular!! Makes me want to go the the Petit Palais right NOW. Hope you didn't experience vertigo taking this shot, V.

  14. Imagine drifting down those stairs, perfumed and ready for a night in Paris. Magical!

  15. I also remember that day very well! Nice angle of the stairs! Bravo!


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