Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our Lady

On a freezing winter day last January, we found Notre Dame quiet and serene.  There are many times that I have to pinch myself when I realize that I am actually experiencing such a treasure as this. I never dreamed in my life that I would be so blessed.

I'm pleased to offer my newest calendar:  Blanc et Noir en Paris 2011 through Red Bubble! Of course if you want a Paris calendar in color,  just look on the sidebar and click on la Boutique!


  1. Beautifully composed with lovely soft light. A very pleasing image. (I didn't know Notre Dame was ever quiet!) Love your current header pic too.

  2. Oh Virginia, I know where to come when I need my Paris fix!
    This is such a beautiful photo of Notre Dame. I especially like being in Paris in winter when there are fewer tourists - I almost feel like a true Parisienne then, which makes my daughter laugh who was a true Parisienne for about 5yrs and then moved to a village in the country.

  3. We found another you might want to check out. St Ferdinand des Ternes 27, rue d'Armaillé 75017
    My pics:

  4. I feel the serenity just looking at your beautifully composed photo. It's definitely worth dealing with a bit of cold weather to experience Paris in winter!

  5. Beautiful photo.

    I have that same "I need to pinch myself" feeling when in Paris.

  6. So lovely, so well shot .. exquisite lighting

  7. Exquisite, Virginia. The arches, the columns, the lights, le sigh. I feel the very same and just want to soak up every second and remember every detail.

    Thank you for capturing and sharing this scene.

  8. Le sigh, moi aussi!!! Love it, love it. Reminds me of our visit when it first opened on a Sunday morning (a few minutes of touriste-free peace) ... thank you for evoking such a lovely memory.

    Love the banner photo -- it exudes fall -- (it also brings back sweet memories of you, Mary and Genie)!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Is it you in that pic? Notre-Dame during winter is little scary because of its Gothic architectural style.Notre-Dame dominates all churches in paris in term of its history and beautiness.Watch Notre dame during daytime when cloud is clear.Mind blowing view you will love it.
    churches in paris


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