Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today let's take a stroll down Memory Lane or as the French might say, Mémoire Chemin ( or Chemin de Mémoire?)*.  This is the view of the beautiful Église Saint Paul-Saint Louis on rue Saint Antoine in the Marais.  When I stayed in the neighborhood last June, I enjoyed this view many times as I wandered up and down the streets of the charming Marais area. I never tired of it.  In fact,  a similar photograph in sepia is one of three photographs framed over my bed.

* Google Translator and I along with my dictionary made this translation. I'm open to corrections here!


  1. Lovely .. one I would enjoy seeing in person

  2. That's a beaut...also reminds me of the shot you took in Jan of Notre-Dame de Lorette.
    Daryl, we'll have to meet you there sometime FOR SURE!

  3. What a wonderful wonderful place to walk and browse the shops...Lovely!

  4. And save for a few little bits of color, this one almost naturally looks like sepia. Beautiful! I may have said this before, but you're a fortunate woman, V.
    (My WV is "ingliz"—one of the languages on Google Translator?)

  5. Nice photo of a nice place. You know we were only a couple of blocks from there.

  6. AS you know, I am but a beginner too ... but how about chemin de la memoire (plus acute) ...

    Nice perspective and palette to this one, V.

  7. Alexa, I know how lucky I am . I think my lucky stars each and every night.

    I've no idea. My French tutor and I didnt' meet today so I couldn't ok it with her!

    OUi, I know. I"m sorry we missed each other that trip and this!

  8. Wowowowowow. Next time, I want to stay there.

  9. This is the very ancient and primitive destination; it has got all the ancient and historical potential which have become traveler’s favorite spots.

    This place has got all the old construction, buildings, ancient and historical palaces with all the primitive traditions and civilizations which let this place different and unique from other destinations as well.


Merci pour votre comment!