Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Step Inside

This charming courtyard almost lured me in.  I resisted the urge to sashay in and have a look around. I wish I had.


  1. Beautiful picture, and it makes me wonder what's behind the doors.

    Have a nice day.


  2. These courtyards are just so lovely. Really splendid ironwork, you almost expect to see a lady in a long gown and a parasol stepping out. That open window/door is such an invitation!

  3. Lovely temptation, Virginia. All I can say is that this must have been taken prior to your surge of "courage" on the last trip! I ventured into one similar in Madrid recently and was shooshed out quickly by a guard (before I could click my camera)!

  4. Oh, if only! (And what a beautiful composition too, V.)

  5. Heh, I was about to say what Genie said about your recent derring-do. The view from back here is gorgeous.

  6. Genie, it was this last trip. I guess the open door made me think someone was close by. Maybe if I'd had some of my more daring companions I might have poked my nose in!

    Daryl, It does look like New Orleans, but well you know what New Orleans is supposed to look like!

  7. Vous auriez dû entrer dans cette cour ! Je vois que la porte de la maison était ouverte!

  8. Was it in rue de Turenne or rue Saint Paul, very close to la Place des Vosges? I think I know this courtyard and this wall on the right, covered by Virginia creeper...If I'm right, there is a painting gallery up to the stairs.

  9. Your Paris is so charming!
    Regards :)

  10. Good thing you stayed away, I have this feeling Hannibal Lecter lives here!

  11. Alice,
    Oui! St. Antoine. Une gallerie? Je suis désolé!

    Jen'avais pas le courage! :(

  12. Next time, don't resist the urge, just go for it .. I wonder what is around the corner ?

  13. Love the iron work!!! So nice that you share your beautiful photography with us. Merci.

  14. I wish you had, too, It beckons. How could you resist?


  15. Well it appears I have a very brave crowd of readers that find it easy to encourage my bad behavior. Well how about you all join me next visit , and we'll all march in together. I'll learn how to say, "Monsieur, I'm so sorry, please do not call the police. My friends here made me do it!", en français! :)

  16. Such a lovely photo! Yes next time you need to be brave and just march right in like you belong there. Often these courtyards do lead to galleries or shops, and if not, I'm sure you could charm your way right into that open door for a glass of wine!

  17. Katie ,
    HOme already or just finding a moment in Paris to say hello?? And you're right you know. If you have a little courage, you often get a nice surprise. :)

  18. Katie ,
    HOme already or just finding a moment in Paris to say hello?? And you're right you know. If you have a little courage, you often get a nice surprise. :)

  19. Here is a photo of the couryard: http://verenasparisblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/rue-de-turenne.html. There´s a gallery inside.

  20. You could have sashayed right into the house through the open door - we would have stood bail when you got arrested! It does look charming though.

  21. I wish you had too. It looks so tempting. It's a beautiful shot though. I plan to be much more daring this trip. We'll see what happens. :)


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