Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beaucoup de Couleurs

crayons de couleur

Merci, the very trendy concept store in the Marais, has the most wonderful displays. Maybe it's the former teacher in me, but I wanted one in every color!


  1. This is a beautiful find and well composed image !

  2. At first glance I thought that these were rods of glass rather than pencils. This shot makes me want one of the bright vases stuffed with all the colors -- all sharpened of course!

  3. This photo is just plain pleasing to my senses—of order, of color, of aesthetics—and so beautifully composed! Thanks, V (must check out this store).

  4. Moi aussi -- give me one of each! Gorgeous pencil rainbow.

  5. Yes, please! I'll be outside warming up the Fiat while they ring these up for you, V.

  6. I am SO bummed that I never made it to Merci, especially now seeing this fabulously colorful display you captured. I'll meet you there next trip!

  7. That was my reaction ... I want one of each and I am not a former teacher ..

  8. Jolie! (or should this be masculine?)

  9. Hi Virgina,
    I've mentioned you in my latest blog post because I really admire your blog and as part of the "One Lovely Blog Award" I thought of your blog. You can read more about it and your blog on mine.

  10. My all time favorite street in Paris is a little one called the rue Pont Louis-Philippe, off the Marais, where many shops specialize in special pens, papers and blank books for writing. Your photo reminds me I'm due for a trip.

  11. Great shot Virginia with " de très belles couleurs" (with a "u" after "o").

  12. Thanks Laurent, i can't seem to get it altogether at the same time. I count on all of you to keep me on my toes!

  13. Okay, V—almost said something, so next time I will.

  14. Moi aussi, je veux bien un crayon de chaque couleur!
    Je suis aussi un professeur à la retraite! Mes élèves auraient pu faire de beaux dessins avec ces crayons de couleurs!

  15. I love the way that they display in Merci , lovely shop .. had a good stroll around there last year.

    Thank you for your comment, another place for me to visit, no I have not been to Malmaison ..
    I need new places to go :-)


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