Thursday, May 13, 2010

An Afternoon Along the Seine

This next trip I'm going to really try and do less sightseeing and find more time to just sit and relax and just BE in Paris. This looks like a good place to start. An afternoon just enjoying a glass of wine, maybe a baguette et fromage along the banks of the Seine. Who knows, maybe I'll meet some nice new friends here.


  1. Grand idea V! You can finish the first and start on the 2nd 100 strangers for sure.....and by the time you leave they won't be strangers any more.

  2. I'm so delighted to hear that, Virginia! Sit and be enveloped by the beauty.

  3. Oh so beautiful, takes me back to our visit last year and doing the same thing.

    I love how the Parisians use the banks of the Seine and 'chill out' with their picnics and bottle of wine.

    Well said, next time I want to just BE in Paris too!
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Perfect perspective and it works so well in monochrome

  5. Le Vert Galant on Ile de la Cité is even better.

  6. Fabulous idea!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!

    Today marks one year since I've been to Paris. A Paris-aversary of sorts. I wandered aimlessly for two days - hungry, dehydrated, exhausted. It was heaven.

    I've been spending a lot of time in San Francisco, trying to appreciate and love it as much as I love Paris, seeing it's right up the freeway a bit. Wish me luck.

  7. ET Suzy.
    Come on girl. I'd love to "do" Paris with you!

    You know all the good places, don't you!

    I love it when my photos bring back fond memories for all you as well as for me. Sigh! :)

  8. Such a relaxing shot. It confirms your idea of just being in Paris.


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