Wednesday, May 12, 2010

100 French Strangers - Grand Mère et Petite Enfant

French Strangers #62-63

My 100 Strangers has been featured in B-Metro, a Birmingham magazine, and they were kind enough to mix in my dear French strangers as well. I really can't express how much I've loved capturing the many delightful and interesting strangers I've met in France. Today I have two more for you. I am anticipating my return to Paris to try and find the rest!

I found this photograph in my archives and burst into smiles all over again. I walked up on this delightful grand-mère et sa petite-fille in Luxembourg Gardens last summer. What a find!!


  1. What a find indeed, Virginia. Don't you juat love the archives. :)

  2. Its clear this child has great genes .. and you take a superb portrait

  3. I'll bet Grandmere has beautiful baby blues under those lunettes de soleil! What a wonderful portrait.

  4. Was granny posing? Or not interested?

  5. Starman,
    Oh I think she was talking with her friend and probably trying to stay out of the photo cause she thought I wanted just the baby. I thought she was very attractive and wanted them both.

    Merci everyone. I"m glad I held onto this one myself. I just want to squeeze those adorable chubby cheeks!

  6. We just came back from a week in Baltimore where I did my grandmère bit. We babysat our two grandsons toddlers while their parents attended a conference. I took many pictures of the grand kids and the city but I don’t think anyone took a photo of me with them. That little child in your picture is very sweet looking – but they are all sweet looking until they get upset….

  7. I think you must be a very friendly, warm, outgoing sort of person, Virginia, to be able to walk up to strangers and have them let you take their photos. I remember having an assignment like that in art school, and I hated doing it. I did get some interesting portraits of very kind people, though. I guess we don't get anywhere in life by being shy.

    Obviously this charming baby was enchanted by you as well.

  8. Great photo. I like the fact that grandmere is not looking into the camera.

    I'm a sucker for roses and that yellow stone in your banner photo. Do you remember the location?

  9. Harriet,
    Église Saint-Medard right at the bottom of rue Mouffetard. We passed it constantly and the children played on the littl playground many times. Just lovely.

    Well thank you very much. I thoroughly enjoy photographing people. The very worst thing that can happen is they say, "Non, Madame". I'm ok with that, but most of the time people are so nice, here and in France.

    Glad to have you back with us. Glad you had good trip with family.

  10. Love the photo V!!! It definitely is enhanced by grand mere's looking elsewhere and the grand baby's intent attention on you!!!


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