Thursday, April 1, 2010

Field Trip - Paris Style

I can hardly imagine what it must be like to be a kid in Paris. Around here a class field trip may be an outing to the potato chip factory or the local zoo. But in Paris it might be a picnic on the Champs de Mars with la Tour Eiffel as a nice backdrop or a visit to the amazing la Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine!

Click here to see an adorable gaggle of kindergartners I captured at the Petit Palais in November, 2008.


  1. I love the la cite de l'architecture, it is one of my favortite museums and there were many teenage student groups there when we were there three weeks ago. It is wonderful how the children of Paris can take such field trips, but we did run into a problem with them at the Monet Muesuem when an instructer would plop a dozen 10 year olds down on the floor around a painting in a small room for half an hour. It did become a problem for us, but they got a great education.

  2. Even without mention you participate in today CDP theme day ! Red walls ! That is a theme for you, isn't it ?

  3. Lil,
    And they get around all over town too!

    I am thrilled your visited here. That would have been very high on my TO DO list for you! Isn't just fabulous??

    Oui, I wondered who would discover that!

  4. Very nice, V! Even though, as Colin mentioned, les enfants on their museum field trips do take up a lot of space, I've never observed a group of any age who weren't on their very best behavior—and totally engaged in the art. It's such a pleasure to see.

  5. Alexa,
    Yes, they are always so engaged in the art. It is a pleasure to see!!! We did find however, that on picnics etc, they seem to be more lax, and as a former teacher I was amazed at the lack of supervision and restraint! The word "wild" comes to mind!HA

  6. Hey Virg...thanks for sneaking in a cameo pour moi - I think I'm behind the baseball capped American...oui?

  7. For un moment, I thought those children were at a fashion show!!!!!!

  8. Mar,
    How on earth did you peg him as an American??? HA
    Oui, there you are looking so Parisian! :)

    I thought the same thing. Is it really possible to be that thin?

  9. Okay, I've been avoiding this place for years (I think it was closed part of that time), but now you've made it a must see.

  10. PS - not crazy about the new layout. It's very hard on the eyes (at least, if you're color-blind).

  11. Starman,
    Ooops! Sorry. I was changing the banner photo to make it a little more springlike around here and changed the blog color by mistake. Hope it's all back to normal now.

    And yes, you must see!

  12. I did all my schooling in France. My primary schools were in Paris. We rarely had a field trip, but that was then, I am sure they have more now. The field trip we enjoyed the most? Un jour à la mer – taking the train and going to Deauville or Dieppe in Normandy for the day.

  13. Fantastic! «Louis» would love to see this!

    (Nice tie-in to the CDP theme day - Rouge!


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