Friday, April 2, 2010

Coiffure Madame??

I'm not sure I should share this whole story but this photograph, taken last January, brought it all back. Last summer in Paris, I momentarily took leave of my senses. I felt the need of a little trim, so I waltzed right in a salon near our apartment, and with the help of an English speaking client, made an appointment for a haircut later in the week. I shared my grand idea with my daughter Melissa and Peter. They both looked at me in disbelief. My daughter went on to question my sanity. It went something like, " Are you crazy? You're going to let someone cut your hair that speaks no English and you don't speak all that much French???" Peter was more diplomatic, as always. He just looked at my hair and said, " I don't think you need to cut it". In the end, I didn't go and regrettably didn't cancel as there was that damnable "language thing"! I still wonder what kind of wonderful coiffure I could have had. Maybe next time I'll throw caution to the wind! I'll keep you posted.


  1. Love the photo and the story. It reminds me of my first haircut in a Pyrenean village! I'd only been in France a month or so but my hair needed cutting. I spoke little French and looked up all the relevant words - or so I thought - shape, design, shorter, leave that, etc but of course when I got there none of this worked. What did? Just pointing! Trying to show the shape with my hands. I think getting a haircut is universal. Of course it wasn't quite right but after nearly a year, we got it right! Clever shot this, Virginia. Lovely.

  2. Be radical go get your haircut there next time

  3. What a clever window! And how caring of Melissa and Peter to want to protect you. I know, it grows back, but a cut that's nothing like what we want can be upsetting. {This coming from someone who has gone home after a colour and cut and cried, and that was with my own hairdresser who speaks English!}

  4. Jilly
    I was counting on the sign language to get me by. I'll never know now! HA

    It's happened to me here as well. Thankfully it does grow back.

    Maybe I will!

  5. You are such a beautiful woman with such lovely hair how bad could it have been .. you could have looked through a magazine .. you could have stopped by, peeked in and observed the cutters in action .. nevertheless I agree with Peter .. its not broken so why fix it?

  6. Virginia, I love this picture -- actually I just love pictures of windows with a glimpse of the life going on inside and the stories that are happening before our very eyes that we're not aware of. I LOVE the large glamorous girl's face in the window -- very stylish ... which is the point for a salon! Thanks for sharing your story ... I'm sure you'll end up taking that adventure back to the salon eventually!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I can't believe that you chickened are usually so bold! Next time sweetie, we'll go ensemble!!!

  9. All of the non-French people I know who live in France say that you cannot just walk into any salon and get a decent haircut. Since that's not a problem I will ever encounter, I can't speak for the accuracy of the statement. But if they all agree on that one point, there might be something to it.

  10. I saw this posted on Facebook and couldn't resist reading the whole story! :-) So I took advantage on my curiosity and scrolled down to the bottom of this page. What a 'bunch' of fantastic shots, V.! How could I have missed these?!

  11. Love this shot!!! But I have to say, there's nothing quite as daunting as going to a new hairdresser, no matter where, no matter what language they speak!!! I have long straight hair, and I'm as picky as they get when it comes to cuts and weave's and such...being bold with a haircut in a strange salon isn't my idea of a fun, bold adventure!!!

  12. JB,
    Get yourself back here and soon!! :)

    I was anticipating a long time between cuts and lost my mind I guess. Actually, when I got home I waited about 3 months for another cut. Maybe Peter knew best! HA

    Merci! And BTW, I love your name!!!

    You and I would be a pair in Paris. Sometimes I think I"m the only lady there with gray hair. C'est la vie!

    We will. Safety in numbers and your French is better!

  13. Love the photo and the story... maybe I'll get my hair cut when I am there in May.
    And on another note... Your blog is wonderful! The pictures are wonderful and I love the Paris Rouge connection throughout, and the fact you have so much to say and to share... wonderful.
    I would love to make my blog half as good as yours!

  14. in general terms a 40€ haircut in France is worth at least a 200€ haircut in the States. Most people here give excellent haircuts...and the ones that give exceptional haircuts would be paid in the hundreds if not more...
    Definitely should have given it a shot.

  15. Oh, you just avoided a sure disaster! I've had nothing but troubles trying to get my hair cut over here. Trust me, stick to your regular person in Birmingham!!!


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