Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Alexis, one of the most gorgeous shops in the Marais, was closed the last time I passed by. After I took this photograph here, I crossed the street, pressed my camera against the window and drew a breath. Just look!


  1. What a fabulous shot. It took me a while to work out what they sell but I gather it's a wedding dress shop. Hope I'm right! Just charming - what isn't in the Marais?!

  2. Louis la Vache took the word right out of my mouth.

  3. Ahhh, took my breath away and love the 'A' on the wall!

  4. Yes, what Louis said! And I love the A on the wall too :~} Too bad they can't keep the shop lit like this even when it's open, because that dress looks absolutely otherwordly!

  5. Am an Aussie Nonna who has just started her world travels and has a love of France. Loves loves the photos and memories it creates. Thankyou xD

  6. Overthe hill,
    Welcome to my look at the city j'adore . Come back often!

  7. I always seem to find wonderful dresses in shop windows that I have to photograph.

    Sometimes I hold my breath, too!

  8. Love the stone wall and the wood beamed ceiling.


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