Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Coucher de Soleil - Votre Choix

I took these photographs of the sun setting on the Seine the evening I spent with photographer Meredith Mullins. As I pondered which to share with you today, I couldn't decide which I preferred. So today, un petit cadeau pour toi, enjoy the one you like best. I hope I never tire of this delicious view.


  1. Both beautiful but I like the first one the best.

  2. Lovely...

    The second photo is great with the colors on the water...



  3. I see why you found it hard to choose, Virginia!! They are both gorgeous, but I especially love the first one {if I had to choose ~ and I don't, hooray!}

  4. Like Shell, I'm glad I don't have to choose, because like you I don't think I could. Thanks for posting both! And tire of this view? I'm certain that would never ever happen!

  5. Don't MAKE me choose - both have beauty and your special pizazz. I like this idea - do it again cherie!

  6. Oh I love those .. I have a thing for wrought iron curves ...

  7. A dilemma, for sure! Fantastic perspective on each. I love them both.

    By golly I miss that city.

  8. Definitely the first!!! And I must say...both are much more interesting pics of the this sight than the one I took on our day trip to Paris in November...Excellent Ms V!!!

  9. Hard choice. I like the second one because the eyes are not stopped. I mean I like the second one as sunset and the first one as clear detail on “fer forgé” don’t know how you say it in English.

  10. I refuse to make a choice. I won't surrender either. How could anyone ever gow tired of this view?

  11. Both wonderful! I can't wait to try this...I did something similar from the windows of the Louvre but this so much better :)
    Jeanne@ Collage of Life

  12. I like both very much. I can't decide either!

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