Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ode to Nichole

As I've shared many, many times, I've met so many talented people through my blogs. One very special photographer is Nichole Robertson, who has a terrific blog and website. Nichole is from  New York, but is lucky enough to be able to visit Paris several times a year. Her website, Little Brown Pen, will delight all of my Paris loving amis.  I've focused my camera on Paris Rouge many times and thrown in a little bleu et juane, but Nichole has amazed me with all of her creative colors.  I'll put it this way, if I could, I'd order every single photograph she has for sale on Etsy.

Today,  a nod to Nichole.  When I wandered upon this group of chairs ( which as you know I have a fetish for), what struck me was the idea that Nichole would have had added this to a wonderul group and perhaps titled them "Paris in Pale Green and Aqua".

Paris  Update:  We had a great day today. We headed to the Pompidou Centre where we met  our friend and Paris tour guide (Eye Prefer Paris Tours) Richard Nahem.  The Mondrian exhibit was terrific and it was fun finally seeing the inside of this unusual structure. We at a nice little cafe close by and then strolled around the neighborhood and visited the Eglise St. Merry church there.  Mary and I struck off separately for a while and met about 6 as it began to rain.  We stopped and got wine and nibbles and hit the patisserie on the corner for pastries and sandwiches.  We tried to sneak in a concert at the church across the street but alas it was 20euros and all we had on us was my camera!  


  1. Nichole is indeed very talented—as are YOU, mon amie! Rather than screaming "Paris!" this shot whispers it—and the subtlety is just lovely, V.

  2. You are becoming quite the adventurer striking out on your own! Now to see if I can find out something about the Mondrian exhibit.

    It's supposed to be 23 degrees in Charleston tonight.

  3. The church wanted to charge you 20€ for the concert when they're free all over the city? Incroyable!!!

  4. Wow! Thanks SO much. You are too kind. We have a very similar point of view, which of course is why we met online. ;)

    I actually have a shot of these exact chairs. ;)


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