Saturday, December 19, 2009

Three French Doors............

.......and a partridge in a pear tree!

These lovely old doors were all found in Provins, France.

I'll be giving away a Paris Through My Lens Calendar on Christmas Eve.
Leave a comment and tell me why you think I should pick YOU! Actually Père Noël will do
the drawing when he stops by. Bonne chance.
(You can see the calendar by clicking the white box on the sidebar)


  1. Oh, my!



    I'd relinquish my pear tree for one of those doors, Virginia ~ beautiful!

  2. That top photo is just beautiful...the color contrasts and the whisp of lavender......

  3. Virginia, I know it will be hard for you to read but I'm just back home from Paris...;-) I spent three days and came back with my daughter who is on (short) holidays. Don't cry, please, Paris was VERY cold! However, I've had some good opportunities for some shots with the snow. I had never seen Paris under the snow...
    (just for perfection: in French, "chance" is feminine, so we say "bonne chance")

  4. Alice,
    Pardon! Merci for helping me once again. will I ever learn? Peter says I must come to Paris have everyone speak only French to me. Well I'll be in trouble if that happens! I long to photograph Paris á neige!!!

    I love French doors!!

    I knew you'd like these too.

  5. Excellent, Virginia! «Louis» notes that these doors are in Provins. What a fascinating place Provins is!

    «Louis» did a series on doors in Paris on his now-defunct "Frog Blog of Louis la Vache."

  6. What lovely doors. What's behind them all, I wonder...

    (I already have a calendar, she said smugly, so I don't need one. But I encourage everyone else to get one -- it's lovely!)

  7. Très belles portes Viginia and by the way no more neige in Paris but a cold wet weather and a lot of transportation problems (train, Eurostar, planes ...)


Merci pour votre comment!