Sunday, December 20, 2009

Église Bray sur Seine

This Sunday another visit to the simple but beautiful church in Bray sur Seine, Fr. I think the photograph speaks for itself.

I'm giving away a Paris Through My Lens Calendar on Christmas Eve. Leave a comment here to let me know why you would like to win!


  1. I would love to have your calendar so that I could hang it at my desk at work. As a math teacher, I often have to mark tests, which I find incredibly dull. Looking up at your calendar would lighten my mood, and brighten my day.

  2. Franje, as a former teacher, I do understand that. You're in!

  3. «Louis» would like to win because of the comic relief it would provide for those watching him trying to open the calendar with his hooves...

  4. The image in this church reminds «Louis« of the church in Mandres-les-Roses, where he first lived when he moved to France.

    Tattered but intact: both the church and the faith...

  5. All these things are much more appreciated in the 'good' weather months. Brrrrr!

  6. I'm not of French decent but Paris sings to me like no other city in the world. I would go back and live there with no hesitation in an eyeblink.
    Your photos satisfy a craving in my soul that I do not understand but need to satisfy.

  7. Francine,
    Moi aussi. I am serious when I say I could live there! I'm happy my photos evoke such emotion pour toi!

    NO WHINING!!! You are in Paris and I am not. And may I add la neige??? Get out there and photograph your brains out.

    You'd love this calendar I just know it. You're in the chapeau!


Merci pour votre comment!