Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Day in Troyes, France

Eglise St. Pantaleon

On Tuesday we visited the lovely city of Troyes, France. It was so charming and we elbowed each other trying to get the perfect shot! This group is starting to get competitive!!! Here are a few of the many photos I took.

Eglise St. Madeleine

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  1. All are beautiful. The photo of le vélo would make a great postcard - nice colors.

  2. «Louis» has visited Troyes. What fine images you've posted of this delightful city, Virginia!

  3. The first photo of course reminds me of the museum we visited together! Here, you have an "original"!

  4. Oh so lovely .. my kind of shots .. I especially like the corner/angle of Eglise St. Madeleine

  5. Peter, The Architecture Museum? Ahhh, hadn't thought of that! Right.

    Louis, I'd like to tour France avec toi.

    Le velo is a new word for moi. Jerome tells me it means a bike!

  6. Virginia, you knew I'd be coaxing you to work on your French...........

    After this summer, I'll be needing your help!

  7. I spent one night on my road to Alsace... almost 30 years ago... The center town had just been renovated and it was a great success, colombages, old cobles, narrox streets... I'm happy to see you also enjoy this town.
    And the light, the light, the light! Especially on the first photo, wow.

  8. Virginia, scrolling through your wonderful photos makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy that you are there and working your magic for us; sad that I'm not there, too!


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