Saturday, January 3, 2009


Basilique du Sacré-Coeur

Frederic Baron's wall says "Je t'aime" 311 Ways!
( Maybe our world needs more of these)

" The Sailboat Man"
Jardins des Tuileries


  1. I have seen Sacre-Coeur but somehow missed Frederic Baron's wall. Only today and tomorrow left and I head home.

    I will need to start planning the next trip as soon as I get back home. Still so much to do and see but the best part of this trip to Paris has been all the wonderful people I have met.

    If there are rude Parisians then I somehow managed to avoid them.

    Lovely photos as usual.

  2. The 'Je t'aime' wall is fantastic, I've never seen it before! I like the composition and the framing too.

  3. I agree with Karen. I think the Parisans are lovely and fun. Take the kids in yesterday's photo, par example.

  4. The Basilica is such a grand and moving architecture.

    I LOVE those young people (a pair of lovers (?) and a friend?) photo in your yesterday's post a lot.

    Keep them coming, V!

  5. Love the Love Wall. Yes, the world needs more.

  6. Karen and KB,
    I think you find the kind of Parisians you go there looking for. So many go looking for rudeness and of course they find it! I hope my photographs reflect the wonderful people I met every day.

    Glad you all like the wall. I was fascinated by it. It's fun to see all the different languages represented. There's a link there so you can read all about it.

  7. I think the sailboat man will have to wait a while for customers.

  8. Curious set of images all spot on but the wall is fascinating. How did you image to get an image of me in the second one though?

  9. B
    It was easy. I said, " Bonjour Madame" pointed to my camera and said, "s'il vous plait?". Then SNAP, "Merci beaucoup." and I was gone.

  10. I wish I had this man's job. I wonder if Paris needs an amateur baker and sailboat maintenance guy...

    I LOVE your second photo, Love in so many ways.

    So I'm sitting here studying your "le mur des je t'aime" photo whiler listening to Winston snore. I've seen this image before. Then it came to me. Sab at Paris Set Me Free. I wonder where he is these days.


Merci pour votre comment!