Friday, January 2, 2009


"Cute Kids!"

" A Little Over the Top at the Hotel Jeanne d'Arc"

"Down the Hill is Easier"


  1. Wonderful, delightful. 'Downhill' is 'over the top'! I love how I feel like I am there, standing at the top of those stairs. And another red coat! V. it is always such a treat to come by PTML before I head off to bed. It fills my head with dreams. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings to you for a great new year...and another wonderful trip to Paris!

  2. Delightful photos as usual. I think mine may stay hidden for a bit as they are so ordinary compared to yours.

    Hope 2009 brings good things to all.

  3. To be young again like the kids in the top photo. I only wish I had traveled years ago. Quite the mirror, looks a bit scary.

  4. I really like this doen-the-hill shot. Cheers!

  5. Karen is modest! Now I have two new "competitors"! (I comfort myself by saying that we are doing it "differently"! :-)))

  6. Peter,
    Ha! Vive la diff! I am no competition. If i'd had to find these places on my own, I'd have ended up with a one day Paris blog!!!! As you can see, I was not such a good student at remembering your wonderful "lessons"!

    Karen bring em on!

    Jill, Peter can testify that I much preferred the downhill going rather than the climb!

    Snap, Thanks for your kind comments and feedback.

    DL, These were the cutest strangers i ran into. The shot was a tad soft but I had to include it. They just made my day!

  7. Down the hill is almost an optical illusion. Great image. Mirrored image is spooky and kids just ooze youthful enthusiasm. It's not soft or cheesy at all you pitched it just right and those shots can easily look naff but it's spot on.

  8. Just discovered your Paris blog. You know having lived in Germany for many years and visited since then several times, I've never gotten on the train for a trip to Paris. Thinking of heading over there in spring, Berlin. Maybe I should put Paris on my itinerary, sounds fabulous.

  9. the pics are incredible, and they seem endless, thankfully. Every corner an opportunity. What great memories.

  10. I love Paris, too and your photos are sooooo beautiful! I remember this metro stop, is it Place de Colette or something. We used to have a coffee everyday at the café under the arches during our honey moon!

  11. Valeria, I think I have a photo here somewhere of the place you mentioned. Your photos are quite something!!!

    Sorry, the end is just around the bend my friend. Then you'll have to wait till the end of May for more.

    Snapshutter, Come to Paris the last week in May and maybe we will pass each other on the street!


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