Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pain + Fromage = Paris!

At the request of my friend Dusty Lens, a little French bread and cheese today. 
Bon appetit!

Mais oui, another smiling Frenchman! How I did I get so lucky?  

"Dire du fromage !"
 Say cheese!

"Patisserie Paul"

"Bon Pain"


  1. I've always liked bakeries but I'm less tempted by the goodies than I used to be. But it would almost be worth a trip to Paris just to look in the windows of the patisseries.

  2. Another really satisfying selection, Virginia. The shapes they make in sequence pleases the eye. When I was there I did not have much to do with patisseries but the cheese shops, meat shops and fresh produce stalls were simply mind-boggling.

    The price of things also makes one sit up and take notice too ...

  3. These make me miss one of my favorite parts of our trip to Paris - breakfast. Where is that tasty pastry, cheese, jam, fruit, and omelet avec fromage this morning?
    You captured the pain and fromage like a master.

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  5. The only thing missing there is the wine to have the perfect french trilogy! :-)
    You've captured very well the spirit of the 'thing'.

  6. Reading this at 3.30 was a mistake. Now I crave good bread and a morcel of cheese.
    I think the younger generation are very service oriented and smiley..

  7. What I wouldn't give for my hard roll and brie to go with my omelette avec fromage served by our sweet Louisa at the hotel. Sigh!

    JM, the TRILOGY! I am LOL. Well I guess 8:30 am isn't too early for vin!HA I do have a rather neat wine shop photo I will post one day just for you.

    Angela, I am trying to dispel the "grumpy French" myth. Everyone was incredibly nice and helpful everywhere we went. THis baker even posed for me!

  8. Ohhh, that looks so yummy, especially the bottom photo of the Pain. It looks wonderfully crunchy on the outside and I imagine it to be soft and warm on the inside. Where's the butter?

    13 more days!!

  9. Merci!
    A dream would be to relocate over there and work in a boulangerie. I'm not too interested in the pastries, just the fabulous breads. Breads like Pain de Miche, pain de campagne, pain complet, and la Baguette. Oh and the cheeses, mm-mmm! That and two bottles of dry red wine, please!

    Here in the States, we don't have bread; we have chemical spongeform breadlike substance wonder loaves. mcyuck

  10. I rather liked a nice chocolat croissant from time to time as well. Did you mention the beurre??? Oh my! I knew you would be all over this DL! Feel free to drop by any time and tear off a piece to have with that nice vin!

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  12. Oh for heaven's sake, I forgot to ask you if you found Suisse chocolat on your journey!

  13. this last series of photos just opened my appetite... :-)

  14. aw geez, V, now I want a croissant with soft cheese.
    oh, did I forget to say the magic word?
    I love the French guy's expression!

  15. I'm very surprised! You've forgotten the third element! The most important! Du pain, du fromage...et du vin!

  16. Alice, JM pointed that out too! . Amazingly, I guess I was so busy slurping du vin, rouge et blanc, that i didn't take photos!HA I do have one wine shop photo. I promise it will go up soon.

    DL, no chocolat but du vin, oui! Oh and the dream would be to relocate there period!

  17. Is it true that in America you have a very poor cheese selection?This is a
    epicures dream post. I am munching my way virtually. Are we doing request then. Is there a classic cafe scene in monochrome in the Paris collection?

  18. Yes B, I can put you in a BW cafe scene soon. Mun ch away!

  19. The French boys like you, don't they? :-)

    These photos make want to go to Paris so badly.

  20. This would be a stop on my to do list in Paris!!

    Love the Baker shot!


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