Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mercredi at the Palais Royal II

A few more photos from my visit to the Palais Royal.  A walk in the gardens today. 

" Tossing Leaves in the Fountain"
( A personal favorite and 'cute as can be' trumped clarity on this one)

( la sigh!)

"The Watchers"


  1. une belle façon de nous montrer notre belle capitale. superbe

  2. Great 'walk in the gardens'!

    Happy New Year!

  3. I agree, the little girls are really cute!

    I guess tat the "watchers" have left... it's a bit cold right now to sit watching!

  4. particularly like the last one with the trees....Happy New Year Virginia!

  5. Bonne Année 2009, Virginia!!!!

    I have only 4 more days and I must leave. It has passed way too quickly.

  6. All so good but you know why the last one is the killer image, especially with that bleak title.

  7. Just one of the things I like about the last image, is the upright stance of the closer woman.

  8. Karen , Bonne Année en Paris est magnifique!!!!!

    Yes, the lady in the foreground is definitely taking it all in.

    B, I don't know why it's killer but I do know that I do like it. I think it looks rather timeless don't you?

    Peter, I am sure these ladies are not bench sitting today with the weather you've had lately. Brrrrr

    I am so pleased you like the way I have photographed your beautiful capital. Merci mon ami!

  9. Catching up today, Virginia. I particularly love "The Watchers." Black & White is a perfect choice. Although I also like "Amour." (Who doesn't?) It's hard not to be in love in Paris.

    Happy new year to you, V.


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