Saturday, November 29, 2008


"Time For a Smoke"
Le Marais
"Table Pour Une"
Place des Vosges

"The Last Roses"
Le Marais

" Grande Roue' "
Place de la Concorde


  1. Virginia you're sure going to give Eric a run for his money! Love these Paris night photos! Oh can't we go back NOW??!

  2. Virginia, these photos in the 4th are so warm and inviting. [Heavy sigh.] I see you had a sunbreak on the gentlemen's photo. The pink of the rose and the orange of the ivy add magic to the portico. And the ferris wheel looks like a huge snowflake; your angle adds such interest. Did you have your camera on the ground? Thank you for a wonder-filled post.

  3. What a pleasant place to have a glass of wine: "Un verre de bordeaux s'il vous plait"!
    And I do like this contrast between the silver of the wheel and the gold of the stone.
    Yesterday, my favourites were this man as slim as his dog (don't you think owners and their dogs often look like each other?), and this red coat in the stairs, a gift which makes you want to say "Thank you for having bought this coat just for my photo today!"
    I wish you a good week end.

  4. As I already wrote to you, your choice of details and also portraits are excellent! The blasé chien and dapper Frenchman is really a treat. The ferris wheel could have been your "circle/sphere" for the nextcoming themeday. Beautiful!!
    Enjoy yor weekend with your family.
    Lovely picture of your grandchild, by the way!

  5. Virginia, these are so spectacular I want to jump right into them!

  6. Virgina, I am so jealous! Now I am definitely going back to Paris in April. I lived there for 7 years, and as Hemingway said, if you had the privilege to live in Paris as as young man (woman!), it stays with you forever, for Paris is a movable feast. Maybe so, but I'm going to move MYSELF up there in April for a visit. BTW, if you would like to see my photos from my last trip in Feb. 08, write me, and I'll send you the Flickr link! I hope you drank a glass of Bordeaux pour moi...

  7. Your compositions are good but ... you did not wait for the decisive moment. The table for one, the portico, the ferris wheel - they each would have reached the DM with an element of humanity.

  8. Another great set of photos! I especially like the 'Table for 1' and of course the stunning night shot! Brilliant!

  9. One on one with Paris on three of the pictures!

  10. Julile, Of course you are correct, but alas when one is trying to capture the city of paris in one week, there often isn't time for the "wait". As it was, my companions were often halfway down the street with me lagging behind snapping away. What I need is a month there to just take it all in and capture all the DM's I want to. Hope you got a chance to read the article about Meredith Mullins on my sidebar. Her book is marvelous.

    Katie, I told Eric that because he featured the grande roue' on his blog today as well. Whoooeeee, i'm a brave girl, oui??? HA

    Jill, Glad you noticed we did have a teensey bit of sun from time to time!

    Alice, I knew you liked mateau rouge, but couldn't guess the other one. Wasn't he the cutest thing? Yes, master and pup did look alike!!! That was the afternoon I roamed around alone.

  11. Wow, I truly love your Paris photos! Your captions are perfect for them too. Wow, they really leave me speechless!

  12. I love the table for one and the white wheel and tree. Great photos :)

  13. You're certainly launching this blog with a bang! Everything is lovely.

  14. Virginia, that wheel is just smoking! And speaking of smoking, the sunlight on the wall next to the balcony man looks like it might swallow him whole any minute. Really love that illuminated wheel...

  15. Gorgeous scenery, all of them.

    I love Place de Voges.

  16. Marvellous. From a photographer, the one who knows what she is talking about, they are as they should be. Slices of your Parisian Vacation, where time for you was of the essence. The images should therefore are in complete context, beautifully and lovingly captured. Human not mechanical.

  17. All splendid!

    Are you a fan of the theatre? My word verification is "mamet."

  18. The Place des Voges is really beautiful yet not many people know about it.


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