Friday, February 22, 2019

Curb Appeal

Lapérouse, dupuis 1766 has had some Michelin stars to brag about in past years. Currently closed for renovations, but do stop and take its picture when you stroll by!

51 Quai des Grands Augustins
75006 Paris


  1. I think you get together with Peter and take photos - do you know why his blog isn't working?

  2. Virginia.... When you put in a work in Red Letters I can't read the words. On the black background it's really difficult. And it may just be the size of the letters because I can see on the right where it says CITY DAILY PHOTO as clear as a bell.
    But I can't tell you the name of today's restaurant if my life depended on it.... HELP....

  3. Very photogenic. I like that shade of blue.


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