Thursday, November 1, 2018

City Daily Photo Theme Day - Friends

January, 2012, Peter and Mary and I were shooting,  and I apologized to this lovely lady for stepping in front of her shot. She replied that she and her friend had seen us on the Mêtro and at an exhibit that morning.  It turns out she is a faithful blog reader! She recognized me and Peter.! What a delightful encounter. Clista and her friend ran into us the very next day at the Pet Cemetery. It's a small and beautiful world.

Today I again join my City Daily Photobloggers for our monthly theme day. Click HERE to see their wonderful contributions. 


  1. I was talking to someone this week who was in the lineup to get into Notre Dam when someone called his name and it was someone who had worked with him here years ago! It is a small world.

  2. Ah, I could have predicted that your friend would show up in Paris. Hope that you have a wonderful November, 2018, my cybrfriend!

  3. What a happy unplanned meet-up. I love these kind of encounters where you meet someone who has only known you online before.

  4. What to the say ... there are only six degrees of separation before us all. Great story V.

  5. Now THAT is unbelievably cool! I've had blog readers come up that I never knew -- but never so far as Paris! What a nice trio you make here!


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