Friday, December 1, 2017

City Daily Photo Theme Day - GIFT

Today my City Daily Photoblog friends around the world are posting this month's theme, GIFT. For me, the gift of friendship is the perfect choice. I met Peter Olson, Peter's Paris, through blog friends before my second trip to Paris in November, 2008. He graciously shared his knowledge of Paris and a few bottles of champagne that trip and has continued to offer an incredible amount of time for me and my friends every single trip since. I dubbed him the MOST PATIENT MAN IN PARIS, years ago and he's held the title ever since. He is always willing to do whatever is on my "program" as he calls it, no matter how many times he's visited that place. He kindly stops and waits while I take an endless number of photos or just need a little rest for my back.  We have shared many wonderful Paris memories, laughs and more glasses of champagne than we can remember. After every trip, I always remind him that he is indeed  my best friend in Paris. Merci Peter, pour le cadeau de ton amitiĆ©.

Please click HERE to see all of the CDP Theme Day posts from around the world!


  1. I am glad you are friends and enjoy both blogs tremendously!

  2. Excellent choice, and he's got a good smile!

  3. What fun to open this and see Peter! And you are right -- THE most patient man in Paris, always generous with time and just a delightful companion. It's a wonderful photo, V. You truly capture his essence! Yes, the gift of friendship is indeed the best.

  4. The gift of friendship is special! Peter definitely qualifies!!

  5. I feel M Olsen is our friend also Virginia ☺


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