Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Urban Art Series - Finding Nemo!

So let's start a mini series again. Street art in Paris can be found in every neighborhood. NOT to be confused with tagging, which I despise, but the creative endeavors of many street artists who do their work, I assume, in the dark of night. I'll share some of my favorites in the days to come.

Today, Nemo. His work is distinctive,  featuring the silhouette of a man with recurring rouge umbrellas and balloons. With my Paris Rouge obsession, I"ve enjoyed finding Nemo all over Paris. 


  1. Sometimes even some tagging can be colorful and very creative, which makes it difficult not to acknowledge it as an art form of its own. But I do like this.

  2. what defines art? tagging, graffiti, street art? if its not defacing something i think its all art


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