Friday, September 29, 2017

Skipping Along at the Place des Vosges

One of those Paris memories that I will always love.


  1. Your street photography is great Virginia. I love your work!!

    Greetings from the Netherlands!
    Gert Jan

  2. My favorite place in all of Paris. Love it! Knowing the history makes it so much more interesting too. Great photograph !!! xx's

  3. One of my favorite places. Sometimes there's an opera singer taking advantage of the acoustics of that arcade.

  4. I love the contrast between the young skipping child and the solid, old stone walkway. La Place des Vosges is one of my favourite people watching spots in Paris.

  5. Jan, thank you for commenting and visiting my blog!

    Elizabeth, it's always a good place to people watch.

    francetaste, oh I"ve heard him and loved his colorful costumes!

    William, I appreciate your daily comments so much. Thank you my friend.


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