Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Heurtoir de porte II

Today we travel 80 km SE of Paris to the fortified medieval town of Proving. This lovely heurtoir and porte was a good find.


  1. Gorgeous. The black decorations on the white door are so striking (pun realized after writing)

  2. Have been to Provins many times and it is easy to get to from Paris and a remarkable beautiful medieval city on top of a hill. There are many opportunities for great photographs and during the summer medieval costumes and jousting fairs.

  3. How cool is that.

    BTW, be sure to mark the previous comment as spam. I'm getting way too many of these lately myself.

  4. this is one brilliant eye catcher and you caugt it very very well

  5. Thanks Stuart, Google usually catches it. Actually it didn't show up in email comments.


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