Saturday, June 3, 2017

Jardin d'acclimatation

Located in the Bois de Boulogne, the Jardin d'acclimatation , is the place go with kids in Paris. It's part amusement park, park garden ( shown here), petting zoo, playgournd, boat rides and much more. Eva and Davis loved the day we spent here.


  1. Wouldn't I love to be there today! Such a lovely photo, VJ.

  2. Whenever I get homesick for my beautiful hometown I know I can come to you blog and the blog of Paris and Beyond and “je me rĂ©gale” to look at your Paris photos. It has been hard for me to visit blogs or even to write posts because of my husband’s Alzheimer and our future move to Nashville. Then, in addition, I received so much mail from France to vote. So happy that Macron won (did not help Marine LePen to copy Trump since 82% of French people dislike him immensely – and now with his refusal to help the planet … when there are tornadoes they hurt people from the left and the right…) I was pleased to see in one of your last posts that you observed the French people were committed to environmental issues. Here in the South, as you may know, many believe it is a hoax, mostly because they only watch Fox News which gives them so much wrong info, and they don’t try to find out for themselves – “so sad” to use D. Trump’s own word!! Didn’t you get a kick at Macron saying “Make our planet great again!”


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