Tuesday, May 2, 2017

CDP Theme Day - Let's Eat

Nothing says Paris like walking into the local fromagerie. The aroma greets you at the door!

Today, I join my fellow City Daily Photobloggers for year another first of the month Theme Day. You might note that I'm 2 days late. Dommage, a tree fell on my apartment building last Sunday and I was without power. I hope you will visit the Theme Day Gallery to see all of the creative photos posted by my blog friends far and wide!


  1. I see you still got it into the gallery with time to spare! Excellent choice for the day.

  2. This Wisconsin girl has a high regard for good quality cheese. Num!!

  3. Oh Virginia, I'm dining vicariously through your cheese. None of that for a few more weeks while I recover but oh, it looks so fabulous!

  4. I love to eat any cheese but my Doctor said me not to eat too much.

  5. ah cheese .. my frenemy ... sigh ... recently i experienced a baked lemon ricotta cheese that was like eating a slice of cake ... oooh la la .. lovely photo, Virg, how did you not sample every wedge?


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