Friday, April 21, 2017

The Most Patient Man in Paris

Today let us all celebrate the anniversaire of our friend Peter Olson ( Peter's Paris). I've known Peter since 2008, and he and I have walked a million miles up and down and all over Paris. He's an incredible expert on all things Paris, despite the fact that he's a Swede!  He is always generous with his expertise and time. I'm so grateful that he willing to wait while I take endless photographs, just like here in 2009.  Merci mon ami, for your time, your patience, but most of all your friendship. My best friend in Paris.


  1. A really nice photo of Peter - I so enjoy his blog, too.

  2. What a great photograph. The composition, the light, shadow, the lines and PETER of course as the perfect model! I know you have known each other for years, and I know his blog too. He is obviously very pleased about your friendship and to show you Paris.

    And I guess many people will say that this image is just SUPERB!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Peter is a true gentleman.
    Not only is he patient - he is also gracious, kind and generous.
    I adore his sense of humor and his willingness to share his secrets and his scholarly research & wisdom.
    I cherish his friendship and thank Virginia Kesler Jones for the introduction in 2010.
    Peter, mon ami, I'm sure that you will have many more satisfying and healthy years in your
    beloved City of Light.
    Keep the champagne flowing!

  5. That's a wonderful photo of Peter, V, and you are right -- he is indeed the most patient man in Paris. Generous, fun, just delightful. The day Rick and I spent with him on our last trip is one we count as our favorite and unforgettable. Thank you, Peter, for being you and thank you, Virginia for a lovely post!

  6. Avec un peu de retard,mais je suis tombée par hasard sur cette jolie photo:
    Happy Birthday Peter

  7. What a super post about Peter Olsen, he knows so much about the lovely city of Paris, and he shares his knowledge so happily. I am honoured to read his informative blog posts.


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