Saturday, April 1, 2017

CDP Theme Day - WET

Today my City Daily Photobloggers around the world are posting their favorite photo on this month's theme....RAIN right here.. It was a no brainer for me. I"m reposting one of my favorite photos taken from the second floor window of our favorite apartment on rue Saint Roch. It's also the cover photo of my book, Paris Rouge. If you'd like to have a look, the link is on the sidebar!


  1. I love painting scenes in the rain, especially the reflections on the ground. I have a whole file of people in the rain to refer to and just added this one to it. Reds and Pinks become almost day-glo intense on cloudy days.

  2. Love that pop of red! Lovely take on a rainy day for theme day.

  3. This is a great photo for theme day!

  4. You can post this whenever you like, V. One of my absolute faves!

  5. I am happy that you reposted this wonderful and familiar photo of yours.

  6. I love this image! There is a photo of me, very similar, walking through Paris in the rain. Wonderful shot!

  7. Falling rain isn't easy to capture. The red of the umbrella adds interest.


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