Monday, December 26, 2016

Ma nouvelle maison?

Rue Crémieux, near Gare de Lyon, is probably one of the most colorful and charming streets in Paris. Peter and I explored this in 2009 and after a very long, long day of walking, he lured me back for another photo shoot. How could I resist!  Mary and I agreed that this flat, with the chat noir was meant for us!


  1. I love that street and took my share of photos when I was there on my last visit to Paris.

  2. Yes, I think you should snap that up. Merry Christmas.

  3. I finally "discovered" it just last September as we stayed near there to get an early train the next morning. And, of course, it's so near the Jardin des Plantes. Already looking forward to my return!

  4. "One of the most colorful and charming streets in Paris." That's saying a lot! Please do rent that apartment. Maybe a time share?


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