Saturday, November 26, 2016

Home Again

I'm home after two beautiful weeks in Paris. The weather was....Paris. Not many sunny days, but the temps were mild and although we had rain, it was always just a light rain. When in Paris, embrace it all! I have many photos to share. I'm still downloading and editing so I'll just pick one of my most favorite places I visited this trip.... Foundation Louis Vuitton.  Frank Gehry's design and Buren's fabulous installation is a show stopper. It's been on my list for over two years, and Peter and I just enjoyed it so very much. Many more posts to come on this!


  1. Wow! After viewing the slideshow in the link you provided, I look forward to seeing your photos. The one you posted is a perfect tease for the rest to follow.

  2. I told you I wanted to see all 3000+ --and I meant it! So keep 'em coming! It was such fun to follow your trip on FB! And this one just makes me smile!

  3. Finally, you're back. I was waiting not so patiently.
    I'm so happy to see a new post.

  4. Roseann, I took over 3000 photos! Of course a lot have already been dumped but I will be sharing regularly now. Thank you!

  5. Gorgeous. Thanks for exploring and sharing.

  6. Nice to SEE PARIS your way.
    I can feel the love you have for PARIS.


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