Thursday, June 9, 2016

Paris Rouge - L"escalator

You either love the architecture of Centre Pompidou of you don't. I'm somewhere in between! At night the red escalator is pretty cool. It's high tech architecture was designed by Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, along with Gianfranco Franchini. It opened in 1977.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Place Georges-Pompidou
75004 Paris


  1. I LOVE that museum and the surrounding neighbourhood. It is a wonderful night photo VJ.

  2. I'm in the middle. I love the architecture but I don't like it in the location that it's in. (Though I love the location for the other, more traditional reasons.) I'm like that about our (very) contemporary art museum here, too.

  3. Virginia, Have you seen the recent photos of the water/flood right under that staircase? Shocking.

  4. That escalator seems to go up a long way! Good night shot!


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