Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Paris Rouge - Les toilettes


  1. Bonita fotografía e interesante lugar.

    Un saludo desde Salamanca.

  2. Only the French could have toilet doors that look like works of art.

  3. And the sinks in this bathroom are super cool too, with everything suspended above an open "table" that slants into the center. Easy to use ad easy to clean!

  4. I was in one of these fancy bathrooms at Charles de Gaulle several times last weekend when my son and I missed our connection to Atlanta after our flight arrived late to Paris from Venice, Italy. Unfortunately, I was too tired and upset over missing our flight to appreciate them! To add insult to injury, we had to spend the night at an airport hotel courtesy of Air France and had too little time to be able to even go into the city. I have been to Paris before, but my son had not and I wish we could have at least gone for a drive through the city for him. It was hard being so close, yet so far away!

  5. Lois, I can't imagine being so close and yet so far!


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