Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trompe l'oeil ?

In Paris, it seems there are always buildings undergoing restorations. The French go to great links to make the construction process pleasing to the eye. Recently the Vendôme Column was covered in its likeness. Can you spot the real lantern?  I searched the internet to determine if the column was actually having repairs done or whether it was covered due to the work being done on the Ritz Hotel. The Ritz was scheduled to open this month, since being closed in 2014, but a fire several months ago might have delayed that. I will look to my Parisian friends who are in the know for this tidbit of information.


  1. Now that is so smart. Nothing uglier than a scaffold but if you can foof it up a bit, what a treat! We should pay attention here (as we should on so many other things French!)

  2. That is clever. The only example here I can think of is when they were replacing the glass panes in the National Gallery's glass tower. They draped the scaffolding with a canvas that made the whole thing look like an iceberg.

  3. Definitely a smart move. Maybe less complaints by doing that :)

  4. Oh, my contact lenses are bothering me....... something's wrong here...... LOL
    Je t'embrasse V de B

  5. Yes, I can—but you did an excellent job hiding it!


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