Monday, February 1, 2016

CDP Theme Day - Scene From a Coffee House

Today is the first of the month and I'm sure you know by now that we City Daily Photobloggers around the world are posting our photo for this month's theme. Last November Mary, Phil and I landed in Paris, threw our suitcases in the apartment and walked down the street to have coffee and a pain au chocolat at LePain Quotidian Victories, just behind the Palais Royal. A great way to start our trip.

If you'd like to see the other clever photos, click HERE to be whisked to the City Daily Photo portal and a posting of all of our photos!

Le Pain Quotidien Victoires
5 rue des Petits Champs
75002 Paris


  1. I could have sworn that I smelt coffee and freshly baked bread while I looked at your photo!

  2. wonderful black and white, you always have beautiful places!

  3. This is a great "theme" for a Monday morning! Your photo and write-up have me right there with you, hearing the sounds of the City waking up and smelling the freshly brewed coffee! I haven't commented on your new banner photo - You have nailed that wonderful shade of blue so often seen in France at l'heure bleue! The lanterns make it oh so special....

  4. Coffee shops just seem to cry out for B&W. Well done.

  5. This is a charming place. But, heck, just about all places in Paris are charming, aren't they?

  6. Such a lovely contribution to the coffee house theme, love it!

    I do the same when in Rome, through my suitcase through the door of the hotel room, and then off to my favorite coffee bar. ;-)

    Thank you for sharing your coffee world, such a pleasure,


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