Tuesday, December 1, 2015

CDP Theme Day - Your Shop Windows

One of the perks of visiting Paris in mid November is that the city's grands magasins are decked to the hilt for Christmas. Printemps' windows were magical and drew many children who looked on in awe. I think this photo is also a nice Paris Rouge addition!

To see the other shop windows around the world from my fellow City Daily Photobloggers click HERE!
64 Boulevard Haussman
75009 Paris


  1. I like that Printemps and Galeries Lafayette seem to compete for the most interesting holiday displays. In my view, Printemps won hands down. Your shot with the little mesmerized girl, also in red, is fabulous!

  2. A magical and very creative choice for the theme, Virginia !

  3. I wait all year for holiday window posts! Can't get enough of them -- I love it!

  4. That's a great way to capture that display!

  5. Love the whole way you have framed this photograph. Lovely.

  6. Tres belle image Virginia .. so French oui :)


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