Monday, October 19, 2015


One benefit of renting an apartment on rue du Cherche - Midi was that Poilâne's flagship boulangerie was just a few doors down the street. I wrote ahead requesting permission to photograph and quel surprise, they granted me a short appointment. Down the winding steps to the ovens that have been baking their famous round sourdough loaves with the signature P since 1932. Of course we took home a loaf and enjoyed the hearty break with beurre et fromage every night! Merci to the friendly employees who allowed us to have a look around and take some photographs. A Paris experience I won't forget.


  1. I love to see that...
    It remember me my youth....
    I can still smell hot fresh bread !


  2. Bonsoir chère amie,

    Quel régal pour les yeux et les papilles !! Superbe photo.

    Gros bisous ❀

  3. Your good fortune was rewarded, Virginia.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. And I need to thank you again for setting up a special experience that I got to share. Merci, ma belle!

  6. Sourdough bread... one of life's pleasures!

  7. Oh gosh, this brings back memories. The last time I was there I did a one day course at the Cordon Bleu and it included a tour of Poilane. What a wonderful (and tasty) experience.


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